Early Access to our AI Verification Solutions


Get ahead with our latest products

With groundbreaking content verification solutions in development at Straker, we’re offering you the opportunity to be among the first in the world to harness the power of AI and human-in-the-loop hybridization by signing up for our waitlist.

What you can look forward to

Ensure your content isn’t just accurate, but tailored to your specific market needs. Empowering you to validate text, audio, imagery, video, AI generated content, human-created content, translations, and much more. 

Straker Ai - Verification Solutions is poised to be a vital tool in your tool box. Complete with a hybrid approach to verification that makes use of AI efficiency and human expertise, Straker Ai - Verification Solutions gives you the flexibility to verify your way. 


Just a few of our core features

• Unique hybrid of AI efficiency and human-in-the-loop
• Accurate and efficient fact-checking 
• Closed-loop security to ensure absolute privacy of your content
• Automation and customization of workflows
• Keep better control of your organization’s data governance
• Fidelity of information across industries

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